Constance Joy Hart
Constance Joy Hart, ND, Certified Advanced Soul Coach®, Certified Past Life Coach, Energy Healer. She has picked up several other modalities as well and integrates each of them as she offers healing, and balancing for your body, mind, and spirit.

Soul Coaching/Past Life Healing
Individual Session
(1.5-2 Hours)

Energy Healing Session (in person or distance, 1 hour)

In an individual Soal Coaching session I will help you align your inner world with your outer world. I will help you get in touch with your true self. You will be able to experience a Soul Journey that could involve resolving past life issues, or meeting your little (sub conscious) or higher self for greater understanding. I will help you balance your Mental (Air), Emotional (Water), Spiritual (Fire), and Physical (Earth) parts of yourself to reach your maximum potential.
I incorporate Energy Healing into all of my work, but if you desire only this, then I can spend an hour either in person or in a distance healing. I use 5th -7th dimensional energy that has only recently come to earth. I tailer to the needs of the individual.

Soul Coaching/Past Life Healing
Individual Session
3 Sessions (1.5-2 hours)

Soul Coaching/Past Life Healing
Individual Session
6 Sessions (1.5-2 hours)

Soul Coaching
28 Day Program
(includes weekly meeting,
daily meditations and activities)

I can work with you individually or in a group over 28 days (program developed by Denise Linn). Each week there are daily exercises and meditations devoted to getting in touch with a different element to help you uncover your true self, releasing blockages. The first week is about connecting with Air (Mental), the second week is about Water (Emotional), the third week Fire (Spiritual), and the last week Earth (Physical). At the end of the program you will feel balanced and connected to yourself in deep, profound ways. You will be ready for a Quest and I can help guide you through the steps you can take to find answers for your lifes purpose or other specific intentions.

Past Life Workshop ​
Ancestral Healing
Soul Coach Vision Board
Spirit Stick Workshop
Miracle Box Workshop​
For Private event booking or ceremony, please send me an email with your request. Fees will vary depending on individual needs.

Energetic Space Clearing
Clear stuck energy of your home or office, bringing in vibrant energy to add vitality to your life.
Starting at $500